April 6, 2009

Tell the Census Bureau to count every marriage in 2010.

Yet another reason to repeal the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act":

Under DOMA, the federal government will not (cannot) recognize same-sex marriages. This often brings to mind issues around tax status, adoption, hospital rights, etc. But it is also preventing us from being counted in the census. Gay marriage is legal now in three states, and not a single one will show up in the 2010 Census.

The U.S. Census Bureau will actively edit the responses of same-sex couples on the 2010 Census, classifying all legally married same-sex couples as "unmarried partners."

Last year it was announced that they won't count legally recognized same-sex marriages. They plan to actually go line by line erasing our relationships -- even legally recognized marriages in Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, and Iowa.

What can you do? Ask the Census Bureau to Count Our Marriages.

sposored by The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund

March 25, 2009

Got 13 minutes? Watch this lovely little film by @garrettmurray.

Forever's Not So Long from garrettmurray on Vimeo.

George discovers that the end of the world is the perfect time to lose everything.

Written & Directed by Shawn Morrison. Produced by Garrett Murray. Starring Garrett Murray and Marielena Logsdon. With Debbie Friedman and Matt Urban as The Anchor. Original music by Robert Andersen.


March 11, 2009

The Celebrity Invasion

First it was the geeks...

Then came the brands... @jetblue, @comcastcares, @zappos, @hrblock, @starbucks.

Quickly followed by the B-list celebrities... @janinaz, @MCHammer, @imogenheap, @lisaloeb4real, @greggrunberg.

And now everyone from Eli Manning to Soulja Boy is tweeting. Don't believe me? Check out the recently launched "Celebwitter" -- a Twitter portal of only celebrity updates.

As was predicted many moons ago, with the celebrities come the masses; and Twitter has (no, I won't say jumped the shark) exploded over the last couple of months. Apologies for making you load so many images, but take a look at the screenshots from TwitterCounter:

Stephen Fry

Ashton Kutcher

Shaquille O'Neill

Lance Armstrong

Britney Spears

Dave Matthews

Jimmy Fallon


Sean Combs

With the exception of Britney and Coldplay (whose PR teams send the updates), each of those accounts is being written by the person themselves. Check their tweets with TwitPics and see for yourself.

And it's not just the celebrities who are benefiting. "Geek celebrities" have seen the same kind of off-the-charts curve in recent months.

Heather "Dooce" Armstrong

Kevin Rose

Evan Williams

Wil Wheaton

Justine "iJustine" Ezarik

One huge caveat that helps explain these skyrocketing charts: 99% of the people above (the accounts in the screenshots) are currently listed in Twitter's "Featured Users" -- a list new users see when they first join.

Sidebar: I really think Twitter should put some "normal folks" in their featured list, or perhaps let you choose a category of people in which you're interested. People who sign up and only follow celebrity accounts don't get the full value (i.e. 2-way communication) of Twitter. But that's a whole other post...

UPDATE 3/12/09: As it turns out, Dave Winer wrote that "whole other post" the very next day. "Why it's time to break out of Twitter."

I don't have recent metrics, but I think this very unofficial data speaks for itself. Twitter is indeed going mainstream, and we're about to see a sea change in behavior, etiquette, spam, and everything else that comes with a new technology being adopted by the masses.

February 25, 2009

/Ground : DIYtraffic - realtime traffic alerts

My latest post at /Ground -- DIYtraffic - realtime traffic alerts

The good folks at DIYcity have just unleashed DIYtraffic on the world.

SMS traffic updates have existed for a while, but each locality uses its own system and has its own standards. The goal of DIYtraffic was to create "one single application that can be configured to work anywhere, in any city or town, with very little effort." This unified platform is available for any community/city/locality to use and build on together like an open source project. It's designed to be easily configurable for any city/town in the US, but will work outside the US, too, if you have a feed of traffic updates.

Read the full post over at /Ground.

February 5, 2009

Tell Ken Starr: Please Don't Divorce Us (video w/ Regina Spektor song)

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

This is a fabulous montage of the Flickr photo project by the Courage Campaign. They asked people to submit photos with one simple message: "Don't Divorce Us."

Ken Starr, who led the campaign to impeach President Bill Clinton, filed a legal brief last month -- on behalf of the "Yes on 8" campaign -- that would forcibly divorce 18,000 same-sex couples that were married in California last year before the passage of Prop 8.

Watch "Fidelity" and sign our letter to the state Supreme Court. Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry. DEADLINE: Valentine's Day.


"Fidelity" used with permission from Regina Spektor and EMI Records.

January 30, 2009

Twitter Followers Mosaic

For some reason, this is only grabbing the last 400 followers. Would love to see include all followers.

Get yours here.